
Welcome to the xbox page

welcome to the xbox page on my website

this page is still a work in progress

what is the xbox page well the xbox page is a random page i made for facts and info and more on xbox!

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sadly on july 29 2024 the xbox 360 marketplace/store shut down joining the 3ds wii wii u and psp online store closed xbox 360 marketplace/store 2005-2024 luckily the online service for some games are still up so you can still play online with freinds and other people.

the xbox 360!

did you know the xbox 360 was the first ever console to get mincraft realesed on it before minecraft realesed on xbox 360 it was on computers. the xbox 360 is home to some great games such as halo the xbox 360 realesed in 2005 but there was one problem witch was that the xbox 360 would red ring of death whille using them witch made the console unable to be used for gaming.

xbox 360 profie pictures

here are some old xbox 360 profile pictures

a old xbox 360 ad from when the xbox 360 came out!

here is a old xbox360 ad

cool xbox buttons

here is a collection of xbox buttons

braxton838s website 2022-2024

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